Oud Ned

Sumpah Pemuda

“One motherland, one nation and
one language!” These three ideas
were proclaimed by young Indonesian nationalists in the Second Youth Congress. This declaration is called
Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Pledge) in October 28,1928. Based on history,
the first youth congress was taken in three different places, first at
Gedung Katholieke Jongenlingen Bond in Lapangan

Banteng, the second place was at Gedung Oost-Java Bioscoop, and the third place was at Gedung Indonesisch Huis Kramat. Our artist combined the three buildings all together to capture this historical moment at once in a classic black line stokes sketch. This design will certainly add value of Indonesia’s history to your space. 

Burgemeester Bisschopplein

Menteng was the first housing project
in Jakarta that follows the first law
of urban planning in Batavia. Back in
the day, it was conceptualized as
Kota Taman (Garden City) whereas parks
cover thirty percent of Menteng area.
As the first Batavia’s
Burgemeester (Mayor), G.J. Bisshop name was taken
as one of Menteng’s park. B
urgemeester Bisschopplein also known as Taman Suropati. The park is located in the center of Menteng and surrounded by historical buildings that still exist until today, such

as, Logegebouw (Bappenas building), Menteng Nassukerk (Paulus Church)
Rear Admiral Tadashi Maeda (also known as Museum of the Declaration of Independence). Our artist illustrates this chic, high-class residence area of Jakarta with soft bluish and reddish watercolor
to emphasize the nostalgic feeling of Menteng as it is eight decades ago. This portrayal of Menteng-style architecture is a unique piece that will bring a breeze of old-school feel to your living space. 

Oud Ned - Indie

Nederlands(ch)-Indië was a Dutch colony consisting of what is now the Republic of Indonesia. It was formed from the nationalized colonies of the Dutch East India Company, which came under the administration of the Dutch government in the 1800. We can still see some old buildings (government office, hospital, church) that erected since Nederlands- Indië era in every big city in Indonesia. This design is a tribute for Meneer Karsten (Herman Thomas Karsten), who was the man behind these modern city

designs. He was a Dutch engineer who gave major contributions to architecture and town planning in Indonesia during Dutch colonial rule. Most significantly
he integrated the practice of colonial urban environment with native elements, a radical approach to spatial planning

for Indonesia at the time. This black and white doodle style sketch with mainly terracotta color accent on the roofs
will be the charm in all spaces that is authentically Indonesian. 
